وزارة القوى العاملة: وزير القوى العاملة لـ”رئيس مجلس إدارة سامسونج مصر”:نتعاون مع كافة المشروعات الإستثمارية التي تُوفر فرص العمل. *جون سو:حريصون على متابعة وتنفيذ كافة تشريعات العمل المصرية إلتقى وزير القوى العاملة حسن شحاتة اليوم الأحد بديوان عام “الوزارة” وفداً من إدارة شركة . More A statement issued by the Ministry of Manpower: Minister of Manpower to “President of Samsung Egypt”: We cooperate with all investment projects that provide job opportunities. * John Sue: We are keen to follow up and implement all Egyptian labor laws Minister of Manpower Hassan Shehata met a delegation from the management of Samsung Egypt, headed by Jon Soo Jong, Chairman of the Board, and welcomed Minister Hassan Shehata in cooperation with the company, and addressed the departments specialized in response to the request of Samsung Egypt management to visit the “company” to stand on the cooperation, especially regarding the vocational training file. Exchange of experiences, and cooperation in providing the job opportunities it requires in the light of its new expansions. The “Minister” said that the Ministry is also keen to provide all forms of cooperation to support all domestic and foreign investment projects that provide job opportunities, and to support the Egyptian Exports Structure. According to a press release, Jon Soo Jong, explained to the minister that the “company” is keen to follow up and implement all labor legislation in the Egyptian state, as well as expand in the Egyptian market by opening new branches, noting that the Egyptian market is one of the promising markets, and a portal for exporting the company’s products to the Middle East and Africa, where 85% are exported. From its production of electronic devices for the markets of 50 countries in the Middle East and Arab countries and a number of African and European countries, its total investments amount to 270 million US dollars, the company has 3300 employees in Egypt. The meeting was attended by the company’s management: Yun Soo Kim, human resources expert, Hadi Barakat, head of the human resources sector, and Alaa Tariq, a company’s translator, and from the ministry: Ehab Abdul Ati, the legal advisor to the ministry, and Amal Abdul-Mujoud, head of the central department for foreign relations.Translated from Arabic
وزارة القوى العاملة: وزير القوى العاملة لـرئيس مجلس إدارة سامسونج مصر:نتعاون مع كافة