وزارة الخارجية: مصر تدعو للوقف الفوري للعمليات العسكرية في السودان وتغليب لغة الحوار تدعو جمهورية مصر العربية أطراف النزاع الجاري في السودان، على ضوء استمرار العمليات العسكرية واحتمالات التصعيد، إلى الوقف الفوري للعمليات العسكرية حقناً لدماء أبناء الشعب السوداني الشقيق، وتغليب لغة . More Statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Egypt is calling for the immediate halt of military operations in Sudan and overcoming the dialogue language The Arab Republic of Egypt calls on the parties to the ongoing conflict in Sudan, in the light of the continuation of military operations and the escalation possibilities, to immediately halt military operations for the blood of the brotherly Sudanese people, and to overcome the language of dialogue in order to resolve disputes, to preserve the safety and stability of the country, to protect the potential of the Sudanese people and the ambitions of their glorious revolution. Egypt expresses its deep regret and sincere condolences for the fall of victims and injuries between brothers in Sudan, either military or civilian, as a result of the ongoing military confrontations, it emphasizes that it will not hesitate to make necessary efforts in cooperation with friendly and sister countries, to defuse the current crisis. The Egyptian/Saudi initiative comes with the call for an emergency meeting of the Council of the Arab States at the level of permanent delegates, the Egyptian/South Sudanese mediation initiative, communications and consultations Egypt is currently undergoing with stakeholders within and outside Sudan, in order to achieve this goal. The Arab Republic of Egypt stresses the need not to be exploited by any external party for the ongoing developments in Sudan by carrying out actions that are derogatory from the severity of the conflict or aimed at the Nile safety of its territories, which affects the security, stability and safety of the brotherly Sudanese people. He also emphasizes the importance of maintaining the security and safety of the Egyptian community in Sudan, as well as the facilities and property belonging to the official Egyptian missions.Translated from Arabic
وزارة الخارجية: مصر تدعو للوقف الفوري للعمليات العسكرية في السودان وتغليب لغة الحوار