وزارة الصحة والسكان: وزير الصحة يشهد توقيع بروتوكول تعاون بين «القومي للطفولة» وقطاع الرعاية الصحية لتوفير حياة كريمة للأطفال شهد الدكتور خالد عبدالغفار وزير الصحة والسكان، اليوم الأحد، توقيع بروتوكول تعاون بين قطاع الرعاية الصحية والتمريض بالوزارة، والمجلس القومي للطفولة والأمومة، . More A statement issued by the Ministry of Health and Population: The Minister of Health witnesses the signing of a protocol of cooperation between “National for Childhood” and the health care sector to provide a decent life for children On Sunday, the Minister of Health and Population, Dr. Khaled Abdul Ghaffar, witnessed the signing of a protocol of cooperation between the ministry’s health and nursing sector, and the National Council for Child and Maternity, to support “care programs for children with special needs.” The protocol was signed by the ministry, Dr. Wael Abdul Raziq, Head of the Health Care and Nursing Sector, and by the council, Dr. Niveen Othman, Secretary General of the National Council for Maternity and Child, at the general meeting of the Ministry of Health and Population. The protocol aims to achieve the common goals between the two parties, namely the rights of the children guaranteed by the constitution and the law of the child, relevant laws and international agreements approved by Egypt, to ensure a decent life for children, supporting the sustainable development approach that is guaranteed by the constitution, the law on the child, and related laws and international agreements ratified by Egypt, said Dr. Hossam Abdel-Ghaffar, spokesman for the Ministry of Health and Population Adopted by the Egyptian government. On her part, Dr. Niveen Osman, Secretary-General of the National Council for Maternity and Child, explained that the articles of the protocol include cooperation in the health care and nursing sector, receiving cases of children with disabilities, reporting to the Child Help Line of the National Council of Child and Maternity, and providing necessary medical care or compensatory devices as needed. Under the protocol, the provision of medicines and medical supplies and compensatory devices for children of critical importance, Dr. Wael Abdel-Raziq, head of the Health and Nursing Sector, added that under the protocol is cooperated in the field of attention to childhood and maternity issues, in line with the UN 2030 goals.Translated from Arabic
وزارة الصحة والسكان: وزير الصحة يشهد توقيع بروتوكول تعاون بين «القومي للطفولة» وقطاع الرعاية