صندوق تحيا مصر: تنفيذا لتوجيهات السيد الرئيس صندوق تحيا مصر ينظم معارض دكان الفرحة لتوفير ملابس العيد للأسبوع الثالث على التوالي توفير 10 ألاف قطعة ملابس لصالح 1000 أسرة مستحقة بمحافظة البحر الأحمر نظم صندوق تحيا مصر معارض دكان الفرحة، لتوفير ملابس العيد للأسر الأولى بالرعاية وذلك . More A statement issued by Tahia Egypt Fund: As per the instructions of Mr. President Tahya Misr Fund organizes Al-Farha shop exhibitions to provide Eid clothes for the third consecutive week Provision of 10 thousand pieces of clothes for 1000 deserving families in the Red Sea Governorate Tahya Misr Fund organized Farha Dankan stores, to provide Eid clothes to the first families in care, for the third week in a row, as part of the largest campaign carried out by the Fund, targeting one million deserving citizens, who have prepared a social status study, in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, represented in the interest of Customs, in implementation of the instructions of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, The President of the Republic, intensifying the activities of the Social Protection Fund in conjunction with the holy month of Ramadan and the Holy Resurrection Day. For his part, Tamer Abdel Fattah, Executive Director of the Long Live Fund, said that over the past two days, Farha shops exhibition in the Red Sea Governorate in cooperation with the Call of Charity Association, adding that the exhibition provided 10,000 pieces of clothing to about 1000 deserving families, as well as 250 blankets, 4000 pieces of furniture and 6000 children toys. And 3000 pieces of stationery for students of different educational stages. Abdel Fattah explained that the campaign exhibitions continue to operate throughout the holy month in tribal and Bahri governorates, following Eid al-Fitr, Lafta that the campaign aims to distribute 2 million pieces of clothes to first care families and students of universities prepared for a social status study. He noted that the fund seeks to bring the spirit of cheerfulness and happiness to targeted families through a comprehensive package of social protection activities during the holy month of Ramadan, noting that the fund is carrying out the Gates of Charity campaign for Iftar of the Fasting people targeting 2 million fasting people by providing hot meals daily besides vegetables, fruits, milk and juices Via strategic partnership with a number of banks, private sector institutions and entrepreneurs. The executive director of the fund pointed out that the past period saw the organization of exhibitions for students of Minya universities, Southern Valley, Ain Shams, Damietta, Sohag, Fayoum, Heloun, Luxor and Kafr El Sheikh, as well as exhibitions for first families in care, orphans, children of prisoners and those in need, in Cairo, Giza, Eastern, Luxor, nautical plaques, Assiut, Qana and North Sinai. It is noteworthy that the Farha Shop initiative was launched in April 2019, the initiative alongside preparing brides to organize exhibitions for new clothes inside government universities and orphanages, keeping in mind the moral side so that every student is given the opportunity to choose the right pieces completely freely. During the past period, the initiative has succeeded in providing more than 1.5 million pieces of new clothes, benefiting nearly 500 thousand citizens.Translated from Arabic
صندوق تحيا مصر: تنفيذا لتوجيهات السيد الرئيس صندوق تحيا مصر ينظم معارض دكان الفرحة لتوفير