وزارة البترول والثروة المعدنية: رأس المهندس طارق الملا وزير البترول والثروة المعدنية الاجتماع الدورى لمتابعة تنفيذ إجراءات مواجهة التحديات الناتجة عن الأزمة العالمية الحالية ، وشهد الاجتماع استعراض موقف تأمين إمدادات المنتجات البترولية للسوق المحلى وموقف تشغيل وإنتاج مصافى التكرير . More A statement issued by the Ministry of Oil and Mineral Resources: Head of Eng. Tariq Al-Mulla, Minister of Petroleum and Minerals, held a periodic meeting to follow up the implementation of procedures to face challenges arising from the current global crisis, the meeting witnessed a review of the position of securing petroleum supplies to the local market, the position of operation and production of refinery refineries and quantities imported from crude oil and petroleum products to meet some of the needs and situation Availability of products in the local market, provision of import allowances, digital and field tracking mechanisms, control regulations on the transportation and trading of petroleum products, as well as a production, consumption and export position of natural gas. The Minister stressed the importance of continuing to provide innovative solutions and a conscious performance to maintain the achievements of the petroleum work system in implementing the state’s targets of securing the supply of fuel to the local market, noting that what has been achieved in the gas sector over the past period contributed to supporting the state revenues from foreign currencies The Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals had a clear vision in addressing these challenges through action plans aimed primarily at sustaining securing the needs of the local market of petroleum and natural gas, by intensifying research and exploration, rapidly developing new discoveries and putting them on production to increase Egypt’s oil and gas production, and working on increasing the production capacity of Egyptian refinery refineries to increase the domestic production of high quality petroleum products and improve the efficiency of operation, as well as spending and consumption rationalization policies, and expedite the completion of the linking works on the automatic measurement system for tanks in ATG fuel supply stations. The meeting was attended by accountants Ashraf Abdullah, Assistant Minister for Financial and Economic Affairs, Khaled Othman, Assistant Minister for Foreign and Internal Trade Affairs, Hasham Nouruddin, Head of the Central Administration of the Minister’s Office, Eng. Alaa Hijar, Deputy to the Ministry for the Technical Office, Engineer Mahmoud Naji, Assistant to the Minister for Transport and Trading of Petroleum Products, and Geologist Alaa Al-Bathal, Executive Chief of the Egyptian General Body. For Petroleum and his deputy for reporting and chemical manufacturing, Mohamed Ali, Transportation, Deputy for Foreign Trade Accountant Heba Abdul Qadir, Dr. Magda Jalal, the head of the Egyptian Natural Gas Company (IGAS), his deputy for operations and networks, Eng. Yasin Muhammad, and financial affairs, accounting Amal Tantawi.Translated from Arabic
وزارة البترول والثروة المعدنية: رأس المهندس طارق الملا وزير البترول والثروة المعدنية الاجتماع