جدير بالذكر أن معرض ملوك الشمس، افتتحه الدكتور خالد العناني وزير السياحة والآثار، ورئيس الوزراء التشيكي السيد أندرية بابيش، ووزير الثقافة التشيكي السيد لوبومير زاورالك، خلال شهر أغسطس الماضي، وذلك بالتزامن مع الاحتفال بمرور ٦٠ عاما على العمل الأثري للبعثة التشيكية في ابوصير، ليقدم المعرض لزائريه لمحة صغيرة عن الحضارة المصرية مما يشجعهم على زيارة مصر لمشاهدة المزيد من آثارها والاستمتاع بشواطئها الخلابة.
يضم المعرض ٩٠ قطعة أثرية من نتاج أعمال حفائر البعثة التشيكية في منطقة أبو صير الأثرية؛ من بينها رأس تمثال للملك “رع-نفر-اف”، ومجموعة من التماثيل من الدولة القديمة منها تمثال لكاتب وتماثيل لكبار رجال الدولة والموظفين ومجموعة من الأواني الكانوبية، بالإضافة إلى عشرة تماثيل اوشابتي من الفيانس.
Dr. Mostafa Waziry, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, signed an agreement to extend the exhibition “Kings of the Sun” which is currently held at the National Museum in the Czech capital Prague, to continue until June 30, 2021, as the exhibition lasted for six months there, and it was scheduled to end this February.
Dr. Waziry said the extension of the exhibition period came based on the approval of the Council of Ministers on 01/20/2021 and the Board of Directors of the Supreme Council of Antiquities on 12/29/2020, indicating that the exhibition is highly popular among Czech citizens, as it is the first exhibition of Egyptian antiquities in Prague and the largest exhibition of antiquities of the old kingdom.
It is worth noting that the exhibition of the Kings of the Sun was inaugurated by Dr. Khaled El Enany, Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, the Czech Prime Minister, Mr. Andrei Babisch, and the Czech Minister of Culture, Mr. Lubomir Zaoralk, last August, which coincided with the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the archaeological work of the Czech mission in Abu Sir. The exhibition offers its visitors a small glimpse of the Egyptian civilization, which encourages them to visit Egypt to see more of its artifacts and to enjoy its picturesque beaches.
The exhibition includes 90 artifacts from the excavations of the Czech mission in the Archaeological Zone of Abu Sir. Among them are the head of a statue of King “Ra-Nefer-Ef”, and a group of statues from the Old Kingdom, including a statue of a writer, statues of senior statesmen and officials, and a group of Canopic jars, in addition to ten Ushabti statues of faience.