وزير الخارجية يجري اتصالاً بوزير خارجية السودان صرح السفير أحمد أبو زيد المتحدث باسم وزارة الخارجية، بأن السيد سامح شكري وزير الخارجية أجرى اتصالاً صباح اليوم الأحد 16 أبريل الجاري بالسيد على الصادق وزير خارجية السودان، حيث تناول الاتصال التطورات الجارية على الساحة السودانية، وجهود إنهاء . More The foreign minister is in contact with the foreign minister of Sudan Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid said that the Foreign Minister Mr. Sameh Shokri, had a call this morning, Sunday, April 16, with Al-Sadiq, Sudan’s foreign minister, addressing ongoing developments on the Sudanese square and efforts to end the crisis. The minister Shukri conveyed to his Sudanese counterpart Egypt’s concern over the continuation of the current armed confrontations, which pose a threat to the security and safety of the brotherly Sudanese people and the stability of his country. Mr. Sameh Shokry, his Sudanese counterpart on the Saudi Egyptian initiative by calling for an emergency meeting of the Council of the University of Arab States at the level of permanent delegates, added that the Egyptian position will always defend the unity and safety of Sudan, the capabilities of the Sudanese people, and the necessity of no external party to interfere Ominous form of the ongoing conflict. The Foreign Minister also listened to the Sudan’s Foreign Minister’s assessment of the situation on the ground, and of ongoing regional and international efforts and communications in the framework of the crisis. This, and the call also touched upon the situation of the Egyptian community in Sudan, and the importance of maintaining the security and safety of all Egyptians in Sudan amid the deteriorating security situation.Translated from Arabic
وزير الخارجية يجري اتصالاً بوزير خارجية السودان صرح السفير أحمد أبو زيد المتحدث باسم وزارة