The head of the New Nubaria City Authority explained that 15 commercial shops were auctioned and sold in different commercial markets at prices ranging from ( 13000: 63000 pounds) per square meter, in order to create new jobs and provide diverse activities. The head of the new Nubaria City Administration indicated that the process of upgrading the efficiency of the main axes surrounding the first and second industrial zones and a residential neighbourhood worth 25 million pounds is under way, roadside parking spaces in the commercial area and the banking area were implemented, solving traffic congestions in crowded areas, updating signs and signboards. The head of the new Nubaria city authority said that the agriculture sector combined the planting of fruitful trees with the participation of the civil society, where palm trees and olive trees were provided in various neighborhoods of the city, raising the efficiency of green areas and their plantations, and increasing plantations in the machine’s plantation in order to multiply them and plant them in different places in the neighborhoods and increase the number of trees, where The efficiency has been raised and the construction of two towers with an area of 2000 m2. The head of the device said that the electricity sector, combined raising the efficiency of the lamp poles, replacing the sodium bulbs with LED bulbs for more than 1100 columns, and participating in the rationalization of electricity consumption at all major axes, has also been coordinated with the Governorate of Lake to announce the operation of van lines for domestic transport, and applications are being received. Engineer Ahmed Ismail said that the development sector has combined the implementation of various campaigns to confront illegal construction works, confiscating building materials and equipment, lifting occupations, restoring the prestige of the state in the city and reducing violations, and completing legal procedures in this regard.Translated from Arabic
وزير الإسكان يتابع ما يتم تنفيذه من مشروعات بمدينة النوبارية الجديدة تابع الدكتور عاصم الجزار، وزير الإسكان

وزير الإسكان يتابع ما يتم تنفيذه من مشروعات بمدينة النوبارية الجديدة تابع الدكتور عاصم الجزار، وزير الإسكان والمرافق والمجتمعات العمرانية، ما يتم تنفيذه من مشروعات بمدينة النوبارية الجديدة، محافظة البحيرة، مؤكداً حرص الوزارة وأجهزتها على استكمال تنفيذ خُطة التنمية الشاملة بمختلف المناطق، ولا سيما ما . More The Minister of Housing follows the implementation of projects in the new city of Nubaria Dr. Asim Al-Jazar, Minister of Housing, Facilities and Civil Societies, followed up on projects being implemented in the new city of Nubaria, Al-Bahira Governorate, confirming the Ministry’s keenness and preparations to complete the implementation of the comprehensive development plan in different regions, especially those implemented from civil projects. The Minister of Housing briefed the executive position of a number of projects being implemented in the New Nabaria City, which included infrastructure efficiency projects, utility projects, as well as allocating investment plots to meet the needs of current and future residents of the city, and other projects. In the same context, Eng. Ahmed Ismail, Head of the New Nubaria City Development Authority, explained that the most important facilities projects in the new Nubaria City, is the sewage treatment plant expansion project worth 324 million pounds absorption card 22 thousand m3/day, where the initial delivery of the project was done, and a health drainage lift is also underway Distinguished residential neighborhood with advanced implementation rate, and other facilities works. Engineer Ahmed Ismail explained that the works that have been done and under way have included developing the city entrances to the desert road, raising the efficiency of electricity, roads, facilities, green spaces, planting fruitful trees, constructing an entrance to the city coming from Cairo direction, and raising the efficiency of several roads, which led to the creation of an attractive environment for investment in the city. Engineer Ahmed Ismail pointed out that 9 investment lands were sold with an area of 19980 m2 and a total investments of 131 million pounds, most of them converted to dollars from abroad, which contributes to raising the foreign exchange reserve in the country and running various activities that contribute to providing a better life for the city residents, increasing the employment rate, and providing Services that fit current and future city expansions, attracting residents to new neighborhoods.