وزيرة الهجرة تلتقي الملحق العمالي السعودي استعدادا لإطلاق حملة توعية للمصريين العاملين بالمملكة السفيرة سها جندي: حملة التوعية تستهدف التعريف بحقوق وواجبات المصريين العاملين بالمملكة وزيرة الهجرة: مصر والسعودية تربطهما أواصر استراتيجية من التعاون والتنسيق والتكامل الملحق العمالي السعودي: تنفيذ . More Immigration Minister meets the Saudi Labor Annex in preparation to launch an awareness campaign for Egyptians working in the Kingdom Ambassador Saha Jundi: An awareness campaign aims to define the rights and duties of Egyptians working in the Kingdom Immigration Minister: Egypt and Saudi Arabia are linked by strategic ties of cooperation, coordination and integration. Saudi Labor Annex: Implementation of videos containing all the details that Egyptian labor needs Ambassador Saha Jundi, Minister of State for Immigration and Egyptians Abroad, received Mr. Faisal Al-Atibi, the Saudi Labor Auxiliary in Cairo, to discuss the launch of an extensive awareness campaign called “Know your right and be assured” that targets Egyptians who are leaving for work and residing in Saudi Arabia to introduce them of their rights and duties, according to the labor law in the Kingdom, within the role of the Ministry of Immigration to care of Egyptians abroad and Qualification and awareness framework for migration of workers to foreign markets, in activation of the direct cooperation mechanism between the Egyptian Ministries of Immigration and the Ministry of Human Resources in the Kingdom, Ambassador Amr Abbas, Assistant Minister of Immigration for Communal Affairs, Mr. Imad Surial, Assistant Minister of Finance, and Mrs. Sarah Mamoun, Assistant to the Minister of Immigration for Project Affairs and the Executive Supervisor General on German Egyptian Centre for Immigration, Jobs and Reintegration and Ministry Task Force. On her part, Ambassador Saha Jundy took the opportunity to meet with Mr. Faisal Al-Atibi, the Saudi Labor annexe, emphasizing the depth of the bilateral historical relations between the two countries, which explains the presence of the largest community of Egyptians abroad in Saudi Arabia, making it their first purpose to live and work outside Egyptian territory, and emphasizing the durability of the strategic relations between the countries and those that bind them. Bonds of brothers and common destiny. The Immigration Minister emphasized her keenness to strengthen the joint cooperation between the Ministry of Immigration and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development of Saudi Arabia, in order to identify the rights and duties and overcome any challenges that Egyptians residing in the Kingdom may face, noting the importance of launching a joint awareness campaign aiming to introduce all laws to protect the rights of individuals and inform him of his duties defined by laws The organization, is focused on the importance of using simplified language and animation so that this campaign reaches all targeted segments at their different cultures and level, ensuring that the goal is achieved. On his part, Mr. Faisal Al-Atibi, the Saudi Labor annex in Cairo, expressed his happiness with the meeting of Ambassador Saha Jundi, the Immigration Minister, and the continued cooperation and coordination between the Ministry of Immigration and the Saudi Ministry of Human Resources, adding that the Kingdom in its new employment and recruitment strategy focuses on work efficiency and recruiting skilled specialized workers, adding that the awareness campaign It is planned to be launched in the coming period in cooperation with the Ministry of Immigration, and the Saudi labor affiliation in Egypt, its first goal is to prevent Egyptians from getting into any problems related to fake employment contracts, and then to combat what they can be exposed to from all forms of human trafficking. The Saudi Labor Annex in Cairo continued that we aim to raise awareness and educate candidates to work on the policies and systems implemented in the Kingdom, reviewing videos of the awareness campaign which contain all the details Egyptian workers need to know their rights, duties and laws governing the Kingdom before traveling, contributing to minimizing any possible problems or obstacles In addition to their awareness in case they are exposed to any problem, and also the framework through which they must work to reach the solution, certainly this is a message from the Kingdom to the Egyptian workers of how much they are appreciated, as they are taken care of before their travel and after arriving in Saudi territory, and highlights the Saudi campaign “Homeland without Violence” that aims Identifying Human Trafficking Penalties and Protecting Workers. The meeting witnessed the delivery of Ambassador Amr Abbas, Assistant to the Minister of Immigration for Communal Affairs, a statement on a number of cases of Egyptians working in Saudi Arabia, to Mr. Faisal Al-Atibi, the Saudi worker’s aide, for intervention and speed of the process launched between the two countries, as one of the results of Ambassador Saha Jundi’s visit to the Kingdom, the Minister of Immigration to the Kingdom, to the meeting with Her Excellency the Minister Saudi Human Resources and Social Development, for direct communication to solve any problems faced by the communities, forming a team of the two ministries, embassies and the labor office in the two countries, to humiliate any obstacles, praising the success of this mechanism in removing many obstacles faced by Egyptian employment in Saudi Arabia. وزارة الهجرة Translated from Arabic
وزيرة الهجرة تلتقي الملحق العمالي السعودي استعدادا لإطلاق حملة توعية للمصريين العاملين بالمملكة السفيرة