ويعتقد العلماء أن الملكة إياح حتب قد حكمت مصر عندما كان زوجها في أرض المعركة، وأصبحت فيما بعد وصية على العرش مع ابنها الملك أحمس الأول، الذي هزم الهكسوس في النهاية ووحد مصر تحت حكمه.
نصب الملك أحمس لوحة تمدح والدته وتصفها بأنها “التي أنجزت الطقوس واهتمت بمصر واعتنت بجنودها”.
تم دفن الملكة إياح حتب مع متاعها الجنائزي، والذي يتضمن العديد من القطع الأثرية القيمة التي تحمل اسم ابنها، بالإضافة إلى مجموعة من المجوهرات الرائعة.
On internationalwomensday, the MoTA is highlighting the great Queen Ahhotep. Her story begins as a royal princess who married the warrior king Seqenenre Tao at the end of Dynasty 17.
This was at the time when the royal family in Thebes was starting the liberation wars against the Hyksos in Northern Egypt.
It is believed that she ruled Egypt while her husband was in battle. She later became co-regent with her young son king Ahmose I, who eventually defeated the Hyksos and unified Egypt under his rule.
A stela erected by Ahmose praises his mother and describes her as “she is one who has accomplished the rites and cared for Egypt, she has looked after Egypt’s soldiers”.
Ahhotep had a lavish burial which included many objects bearing her son’s name as well as beautiful jewelry.
Ahhotep NewKingdom AncientEgypt Egyptology History Ahmose