وتعمل الوزارة حاليًا على تقديم خدمة مميزة للزائرين تعكس الأجواء التاريخية لبدايات القرن العشرين، بالحديقة الخلفية للقصر وحول المساحات المكشوفة المحيطة به والتي تضم كافتيريا ومطعم راقي وبيت للهدايا ذات طراز بسيط مصممة بنظام الهياكل الخفيفة ( light structure) بنظام الفك والتركيب، وذلك بعد موافقة اللجنة الدائمة للآثار الإسلامية وباستخدام مواد طبيعية بما يتماشى مع القيمة الأثرية والتاريخية و الفنية للقصر والبانوراما، أسوة بالمتبع بالقصور الأثرية في العالم.
وأكدت مساعد الوزير لتطوير المواقع الأثرية والمتاحف انه لم يتم استحداث أية عناصر جديدة تُغير من تكوين وجمال القصر، وأن جميع الخدمات تقام بالحديقة.
تجدر الاشارة إلى أن فخامة رئيس الجمهورية تفضل بافتتاح قصر البارون إمبان في يونيو الماضي بعد الانتهاء من مشروع ترميمه وتحويله إلى معرض يروي تاريخ حي مصر الجديدة، يأخذ زائريه في رحلة إلى الماضي منذ إنشاء البارون إمبان لحي مصر الجديدة مع عرض لبعض تفاصيل الحياة في ذلك الوقت، مثل أحد العربات القديمة لترام مصر الجديدة وبعض السيارات القديمة التي يعود طرازها لعشرينيات وثلاثينيات القرن الماضي لتعطي صورة حية عن شكل الحياة في ذلك الوقت.
كما تم عند الافتتاح توفير بعض من الخدمات للزائرين بحديقة القصر ضمت عربة بطراز مستوحى من الطابع التاريخى له وتحترم البيئة المحيطة لتقديم مشروبات ومأكولات خفيفة للزائرين، حتي الانتهاء من المشروع.
In line with the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities policy to develop museums, archaeological sites and historical palaces and improve the quality of tourism services provided to visitors, the Ministry is working to make services available at the Baron Empain Palace in Heliopolis to provide an integrated cultural and civilizational experience for its visitors.
Mrs. Iman Zidan, Assistant Minister for the Development of Archaeological Sites and Museums, explained that the project includes the use of the palace basement as a creative cultural center (Cultural Hub) to hold workshops and art exhibitions and host cultural gatherings to raise archaeological awareness among people, and the first job this center had was an exhibition for photography held last month to shed a spotlight on the masterpieces of the Museum of Islamic Art and its collections that have artistic, historical and cultural links to the Baron’s Palace, its period of establishment, and the artistic styles that decorate it.
The Ministry is currently working to provide distinctive services to visitors that reflects the historical atmosphere of the early 20th century, in the back garden of the palace and around the open areas surrounding it, which will include a cafeteria, a high-end restaurant and a simple-style gift shop designed with a light structure and installation system, after the approval of the permanent committee For Islamic antiquities and using natural materials in line with the archaeological, historical and artistic value of the palace and the panorama, similar to that of most archaeological palaces in the world.
The assistant minister for the development of archaeological sites and museums confirmed that no new elements had been implemented that would change the composition or beauty of the palace, and that all services were established in the park are all natural.
It should be noted that His Excellency the President of Egypt preferred to open the Baron Empain Palace last June after the completion of the restoration project and converting it into an exhibition narrating the history of the Heliopolis neighborhood, taking its visitors on a journey into the past since Baron Empain’s establishment of the Heliopolis neighborhood with a presentation of some details of life at that time such as one of the old carriages of the Heliopolis tram and some old cars that date back to the twenties and thirties of the last century to give a vivid picture of what life looked like at that time.
At the opening, some services were provided to the visitors in the palace garden, which included a carriage in a style inspired by its historical character and respects the surrounding environment to provide drinks and snacks to visitors, until the completion of the project.