خلال لقائه السفيرة نائلة جبر : رئيس الوزراء يستعرض جهود اللجنة الوطنية التنسيقية لمكافحة ومنع الهجرة غير الشرعية والاتجار بالبشر التقى اليوم الدكتور مصطفى مدبولي، رئيس مجلس الوزراء، السفيرة/ نائلة جبر، رئيس اللجنة الوطنية التنسيقية لمكافحة ومنع الهجرة غير الشرعية والاتجار بالبشر؛ لاستعراض الجهود . More During Ambassador Nayela Jabr’s meeting: PM reviews NCA efforts to combat and prevent illegal immigration and human trafficking Prime Minister Dr. Mustafa Madbouli met today, Ambassador/ Nayela Jabr, Chairman of the National Coordinating Committee for Prevention of Illegal Migration and Human Trafficking; to review national efforts to combat illegal immigration and human trafficking in 2022. At the outset of the meeting, Ambassador Nayela Jabr explained the efforts to implement the “Third National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking”, launched in September 2022, as well as the completion of the legislative construction on combating illegal immigration following the Prime Minister’s decision to organize the operation of the Anti Illegal Immigration Fund and Protection of Immigrants. She clarified that in light of the assignments of President Abdul Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, on strengthening protection procedures and combating human trafficking, a package of measures has been implemented in addition to the completion of the protection system in all its aspects in the field of anti-trafficking in human trafficking, including: hotlines, referral mechanism, shelters, and technical trainings, added that Egypt is taking these important steps in the framework of its interest in promoting human rights. Ambassador Nayela Jabr confirmed that the National Coordination Committee for Prevention of Illegal Migration and Human Trafficking also took care of the implementation of the President’s directives on launching a “media campaign” against human trafficking; an extensive media campaign that lasts for two years was launched on various visual and audio social media; to raise awareness of citizens in forms He urged them to report the crime through the national system to receive complaints. In a connected context, she confirmed that she is coordinating with the Ministry of Social Solidarity on the development, upgrading the capacity and allocation of 7 housing apartments; to receive the victims of the crime of human trafficking to include the greater Egyptian regions. It noted that a number of universities and schools are cooperating on training and holding awareness meetings to raise awareness about these important issues, including the launch of research competitions in Egyptian universities to educate students about the dangers of human trafficking, and the launch of an awareness campaign for the basic education stages about the crime itself. This is in addition to launching door-knocking campaigns to educate citizens and groups most vulnerable to crime and its patterns in cooperation with the three national councils of human rights. رئاسة مجلس الوزراء Translated from Arabic
خلال لقائه السفيرة نائلة جبر : رئيس الوزراء يستعرض جهود اللجنة الوطنية التنسيقية لمكافحة ومنع الهجرة