الهيئة العامة للطرق والكباري: إيماءً إلى ما تم تداوله عبر عدد من وسائل الإعلام ومواقع التواصل

الهيئة العامة للطرق والكباري: إيماءً إلى ما تم تداوله عبر عدد من وسائل الإعلام ومواقع التواصل 70502
الهيئة العامة للطرق والكباري: إيماءً إلى ما تم تداوله عبر عدد من وسائل الإعلام ومواقع التواصل الاجتماعي بشأن تعرض طريق شرم الشيخ/ دهب للتدمير الكلي نتيجة تعرضه للسيل بتاريخ 10/4/2023 اصدرت هيئة الطرق والكباري بيانا اعلاميا تنفي فيه ذلك مع توضيح الحقائق التالية

1. يبلغ طول الطريق 80 . More A statement issued by the General Authority for Roads and Bridges: In reference to what has been circulated through a number of media and social media sites regarding the total destruction of Sharm El Sheikh / Dahab road as a result of flood on 10/4/2023, the Roads and Bridges Authority issued a media statement denying this with clarifying the following facts

1. The length of the road is 80 km and a part of it is 30 km long (from km 35 to km 65) was exposed to the flood on 10/4/2023 which led to some damage in various places in this distance of Calati (damage to paving layers – sidewalks of drums – reassurance on the road) 2. Disaster handling teams from the General Authority for Roads and Highways were immediately paid


3. Coordinated with the Traffic Administration in Sharm El Sheikh to make necessary traffic transfers in the areas affected by the road. 4. (34) of engineering equipment consisting of (6 loaders-7 griders-3 horses-11 hearts-3 sweepers-3 sweepers-1 water tank-1 fincher-2 asphalt guards) were paid and all the warmings on the road body were removed by the participation of 2 mechanical vacuums for a distance of (15) How many) . 5. The immediate work of soil and foundation layers was started in preparation of paving for the affected areas of the road body after the drain water. 6 The paving works for the asphalt layers affected by the flood have been started as of Saturday 15/04/2023 and planned to be completed on Tuesday 18 April 2023

7. The road was doubled in (2005) to become a 2-lane/way width and provided with phosphate reflectors over New Jersey, cat eyes and phosphate indicators that ensure traffic safety and ground planning.

8. Road maintenance was carried out in 2021 for 16 km with FDR technology from Sharm El Sheikh

9. The works of filling the holes and turning the asphalt paving layers for different distances from the road were completed by FDR / CIR technology on 15/10/2020.

10. Development and efficiency works of a 4.5 km long road sector from Maddous Valley to Al-Ked Valley have been completed including industrial works (creation of 1 box dam in Al-Kid Valley + 1 box pond in Maddous Valley) with a total of 55 holes for drainage on 15/11/2020. Al-Brabakh has performed its role Receiving storms without any damage on the road. 11. Regarding the flood-affected area, a committee from the Roads Authority and a number of university professors were paid to determine the plan to work on it to protect it from the dangers of floods, and a distance of 40 km of the road, which includes the affected distance of the road in the plan of the next fiscal year 2023/2024, and it is also a plan to complete the duplication of the Dahab Nweiba road. And taking measures to protect against floods

12. The road is provided with traffic / security points for traffic control and road safety regulations.

13. The road has services represented in service stations / car supply, including breaks, cafeterias, water courses, mosques and ambulance points.

14. The total money spent so far on maintenance, development and efficiency improvements done in a number of road sectors amounts to 203 million pounds (130 million pounds development cost and efficiency improvements 4.5 km from Wadi Al-Kid to Wadi Maddous – 73 million pounds maintenance work for various road sectors 15. The authority confirms that what the media has taken is that the cost of developing Sharm El Sheikh Dahab road is 5.5 billion pounds, absolutely a shame of health and that this cost referred to is specifically for the creation of the tunnel road / Sharm El Sheikh 16 . Attached to the statement is a video showing the industrial works carried out from Wadi Al-Kaid to Wadi Medsous, which shows its efficiency in draining floodsTranslated from Arabic