حفل توزيع جوائز المسابقة الفنية للرسم 2023 نظمت اللجنة الوطنية التنسيقية لمكافحة ومنع الهجرة غير الشرعية والاتجار بالبشر، حفل توزيع جوائز المسابقة الفنية للرسم التي أطلقتها اللجنة بالتعاون مع وزارة التربية والتعليم والتعليم الفني، والمنظمة الدولية للهجرة، لتوعية الطلاب بمخاطر الهجرة غير الشرعية وفرص . More Prize distribution ceremony of the Art Drawing Competition 2023 The National Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Illegal Immigration and Human Trafficking organized an award ceremony for the drawing art competition launched by the Committee in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Technical Education and the International Organization for Immigration, to educate students about the dangers of illegal immigration and available job opportunities. The competition is aimed at middle and high school students in 12 governorates, in fact, two schools in each province, in implementation of the Third National Action Plan to Combate and Prevent Illegal Immigration 2021-2023, emerging from the National Strategy to Combat Illegal Immigration (2016-2026). Ambassador Nayela Jabr, chairman of the National Coordinating Committee for Prevention of Illegal Migration and Human Trafficking, said that raising awareness about the risks of illegal immigration is one of the most important goals that the Committee aims to achieve, to protect the groups most vulnerable to exploitation by smugglers, especially young people, and to launch the competition annually, owing to the positive feedback from the contestants. Pre-launch, indicating that the third competition involved 720 female students and 24 winners were honored. Participated in the prize distribution by Ambassador Nayela Jabr, Chairman of the National Coordinating Committee, Dr. Akram Hassan, Representative Minister of Education and Technical Education, Ambassador Mikeli Quaroni, Ambassador of Italy to Egypt, Mr. Carlos Cruz, President of the Mission of the International Organization for Migration in Egypt, and Mrs. Gradzilla Riza, representative of the EU Mission in Egypt.Translated from Arabic
حفل توزيع جوائز المسابقة الفنية للرسم 2023 نظمت اللجنة الوطنية التنسيقية لمكافحة ومنع الهجرة غير الشرعية