تمثال من الحجر الجيري عبارة عن زوجين جالسين يرتديان ملابس راقية وشعر مستعار تم نحت تفاصيله المعقدة بجدارة. نايا تضع يدها اليمنى بمودة على كتف زوجها تاى. و ما وراء التمثال يظهر الزوجان بارتياح جالسين على مائدة قرابين موجهة للسيدة “تينر”
هذا التمثال معروض الآن في متحف شرم الشيخ، نرجح أن تزوره قريباً.
An excellently preserved limestone statue depicts a couple seated, wearing fine clothes and elaborate wigs whose intricate details are faithfully portrayed by the sculptor. Naya affectionately has her right hand on her husband Tiay’s shoulder. On the back of the statue, the couple is shown in relief sitting at an offering table facing the lady “Tinr”.
This immaculate statue is now displayed at The Sharm El Sheikh museum, Make sure you see it in real life. InWithTheNew
هذا التمثال معروض الآن في متحف شرم الشيخ، نرجح أن تزوره قريباً.
An excellently preserved limestone statue depicts a couple seated, wearing fine clothes and elaborate wigs whose intricate details are faithfully portrayed by the sculptor. Naya affectionately has her right hand on her husband Tiay’s shoulder. On the back of the statue, the couple is shown in relief sitting at an offering table facing the lady “Tinr”.
This immaculate statue is now displayed at The Sharm El Sheikh museum, Make sure you see it in real life. InWithTheNew