وزارة التنمية المحلية: وزير التنمية المحلية يوجه المحافظين بتفعيل دور المجلس الإقليمى للسكان واللجان التنسيقية للسكان بالمحافظات اللواء هشام آمنة : تنسيق مستمر مع وزارة الصحة والسكان والقطاع الخاص والجامعات والمجتمع المدنى لمواجهة مشكلة الزيادة السكانية وجه اللواء هشام آمنة وزير التنمية . More A statement issued by the Ministry of Local Development: The Minister of Local Development directs governors to activate the role of the Regional Population Council and Population Coordinating Committees in the provinces Major Hisham Amena: Continuous coordination with the Ministry of Health, Population, the private sector, universities and civil society to face the problem of population increase Major General Hisham Amana, Minister of Local Development, asked the governors to activate the role of the Regional Population Council and the Population Coordination Committees in the provinces for the periodic follow-up of the National Population Strategy, the goals and indicators of the National Populace Plan annually and to work on its realization through annual local plans of the governorates, determining the role and responsibility of each party in implementation and coordination among all The workers in the field of the population in the provinces in achieving the co-operative approach in dealing with all issues observed from the population units. The Minister of Local Development also pointed out the importance of the Regional Council for Population to study and approve the Annual Executive Plan of the residents of the province and population indicators related to the objectives and results of the plan, ensuring that it is linked to the National Population Plan, which is prepared by the National Population Council branch and with the participation of all stakeholders within the province and present it to the Population Coordinating Committee . Major General Hisham Amna also directed to mobilize local resources in the province, support the participation of civil society and the private sector, and encourage the participation of youth and women in all works related to addressing the population issue and developing the most needy local communities. The Minister of Local Development also recommended the governors to guide the experience of the population administration in Cairo Governorate to extend bridges of cooperation with universities to spread knowledge of population issues among the youth of the university and their participation in the road map fees, the Minister also directed the cooperation between the population units in Qena and Luxor governorates with the initiative of “Pioneers” The Nile “from the Central Bank of Syria, the Bank of Egypt, and the Device of Small, Medium and Small Enterprises Development to qualify young people for the labor market and generalize it to all governorates and continue to coordinate with the initiative of “Your Project” and the “Hands of Egypt” platform and the Directorates of Social Solidarity, Youth and Sports to reduce unemployment rates among young people and support vocational training and the marketing process And the exhibitions. Major General Hisham Amina also directed to constantly coordinate with the project “Values and Life” to spread positive values of family planning and justice between males and females, to limit the preference of the male child, to spread the spirit of belongingness, citizenship, the value of work, education, and other values necessary to rebuild the Egyptian citizen and influence human development indicators. The Minister of Local Development also requested to continue coordinating with all ministries and stakeholders to implement the necessary population and health caravans to improve the population indicators, family organization, reproductive health, literacy, education, unemployment, empowering women economically and providing all services to citizens, as well as activating the population committees in centers and villages to discuss the problems observed by the Population Coordinator and opening a community dialogue Transfer it to analyze causes and interventions in coordination with government work partners, civil and private society, local leaders and youth. Major General Hisham Amena pointed out the importance of cooperation and coordination between the ministries of Health, Population and Local Development, and other ministries and stakeholders in the provinces to tackle the problem of population increase and mobilize all necessary efforts in this important file. The Minister of Local Development stressed the importance of the population issue being at the forefront of the concerns of the governors and executive leaders during the current period to achieve the results and goals set by the state to control population growth, citing that the problem of overpopulation affects the development process and the feeling of the citizens of the fruits and rates of development achieved by the state. “The Ministry continues to coordinate and follow-up with governorates to implement required plans and directions contributing to the control of population growth, directing each province to place the population increase file on top of priorities and cooperate with civil society, the private sector, youth, volunteers and community engagement to support the implementation of initiatives and programs supporting the population strategy on ALL LOCAL LEVELS .Translated from Arabic
وزارة التنمية المحلية: وزير التنمية المحلية يوجه المحافظين بتفعيل دور المجلس الإقليمى للسكان