وُردت هذه العلامة كذلك في العديد من الكلمات المصرية القديمة منها ما تعني مجموعة عمل أو بحارة وكذلك عبرت عن كلمة ساحر، وكانت من الكلمات التي تُكتب ضمن صيغة الحماية للملك والتي تُقرأ “سا-عنخ-واس” أي “الحماية والحياة والسلطة”.
ويصور هنا رجل على قارب، مرتديًا عصابة تشبه علامة “سا”.
Did you know that the “sa” sign represents the world’s first life jacket model? It was worn by fishermen and sailors in ancient Egypt to protect them from drowning.
Fittingly, it means protection, although it could also be used in other ancient Egyptian words referring to a magician, group of workmen, and sailors.
This sign would be included in a formula meant to protect the king which would read “sa-ankh-was” meaning “protection, life and power.”
Here, an older boat man is kneeling on his boat, wearing a sa-like bandoleer.