ICT Minister Witnesses Two Protocols Signing between NTI, Huawei to Establish Training Academies The Minister of Communications and Information Technology Amr Talaat has witnessed the signing of

ICT Minister Witnesses Two Protocols Signing between NTI, Huawei to Establish Training Academies The Minister of Communications and Information Technology Amr Talaat has witnessed the signing of 62339
ICT Minister Witnesses Two Protocols Signing between NTI, Huawei to Establish Training Academies

The Minister of Communications and Information Technology Amr Talaat has witnessed the signing of two cooperation protocols between the National Telecommunication Institute (NTI) and Huawei Egypt to establish two academies. The first academy will specialize in building youth’s digital capacities and providing training on advanced technologies, while the other will provide training on fiber optics technology.

The NTI-Huawei cooperation aims to build the capacities of about 18,000 youth nationwide over five years. The cooperation protocols were signed by NTI Director Ahmed Khattab and CEO of Huawei Egypt Jim Liu.

The ICT Minister emphasized that digital capability building is one of the main pillars of the Digital Egypt strategy to expand the ICT skill pool in all governorates and boost youth competitiveness, in line with the local and global labor markets’ requirements.

Talaat praised the collaboration between NTI and Huawei Egypt, emphasizing its alignment with the objectives of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s (MCIT) strategy. This strategy is designed to enhance digital capabilities through partnerships with leading global firms, offer training in high-demand technology fields relevant to present and future job markets, and expand specialized training programs to empower youth across NTI branches nationwide.

Pursuant to the first protocol, the Egyptian Talent Academy (ETA) will be established to enhance the skills of students and graduates through Huawei’s advanced technology training courses. The academy aims to accommodate up to 3,000 trainees annually for a duration of five years, conducted at NTI premises.

Under the protocol, NTI branches will operate as Huawei academies, offering training programs in various specializations such as 5G technologies, data networks, Artificial Intelligence (AI), cloud computing, big data, and other advanced technical fields. Huawei will furnish the requisite virtual tools for practical training on its latest programs and will also undertake to transfer technological knowledge, as well as train NTI trainers, with the assistance of its specialized experts.

Furthermore, Huawei and NTI will collaborate in instructor training, qualifying and certifying NTI trainers as ICT Academy Instructors to deliver both the general and professional courses. NTI will also have access to Huawei’s training material via the Huawei Talent platform, for different levels.

Meanwhile, the second protocol establishes NTI as a specialized academy for nurturing ICT Academy Instructors and delivering fiber optics training to cater to up to 1,000 trainees per year via NTI branches across various governorates over three years. Additionally, approximately 18 NTI trainers will undergo training and certification as Academy Instructors. Furthermore, four laboratories will be established at NTI branches nationwide. Moreover, Huawei’s training materials will be provided, and NTI training courses will be conducted by Huawei experts.

Khattab highlighted NTI commitment to upskilling its trainees using state-of-the-art technologies and enabling them to achieve international certification through collaborations with various multinational corporations, including Huawei. This involves hosting international academies where NTI experts train Egyptian youth, drawing from the expertise of multinationals, through the institute’s programs and initiatives.

He underscored NTI excellence and uniqueness in training technicians in fiber optics, aimed at creating a talent pool essential for national projects, notably the Decent Life initiative. Khattab also mentioned the Institute’s specialized labs dedicated to the installation, operation, and maintenance of various types of fiber optic networks.

For his part, Liu expressed his satisfaction with Huawei’s continued collaboration with NTI. He emphasized that this new initiative will bolster and empower promising Egyptian youth through the establishment of ETA and the NTI-Huawei fiber optics academy under the auspices of MCIT. The objective is to equip Egyptian talents with the technical and technological skills required to shape a digital future and position Egypt as a regional hub for ICT talents, thereby advancing the national digital transformation strategy. Liu reiterated Huawei’s dedication to collaborating with local partners like NTI to cultivate a new generation of ICT competencies and expertise.


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