ICT Minister Visits Creativa Innovation Hub in Menoufia University The Minister of Communications and Information Technology Amr Talaat and Governor of Menoufia Ibrahim Abou Lemon visited, today,

ICT Minister Visits Creativa Innovation Hub in Menoufia University The Minister of Communications and Information Technology Amr Talaat and Governor of Menoufia Ibrahim Abou Lemon visited, today, 61512
ICT Minister Visits Creativa Innovation Hub in Menoufia University

The Minister of Communications and Information Technology Amr Talaat and Governor of Menoufia Ibrahim Abou Lemon visited, today, Creativa Innovation Hub, established by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) at Menoufia University. They were accompanied by President of Menoufia University Ahmed Farag El-Kased.

Creativa Innovation Hub in Menoufia aims at providing technical training and developing technological skills for university students and graduates, and youth from Menoufia Governorate, allowing for a smooth transition into the local and global labor market in IT areas. It also aims at creating an environment conducive to promote digital innovation and entrepreneurship.

MCIT has launched Creativa Innovation Hubs project to increase the number of innovation hubs from three to 30. A hub is established in each governorate to prepare digital resources from young people in the governorates and enable them to obtain distinguished job opportunities and incubate the creative ideas and emerging projects.

In his speech, Talaat stated that the ICT sector is the highest growing sector in the country for five consecutive years as a result of the projects it implements to achieve digital transformation, the job opportunities it provides, and the increase in digital exports it has achieved. He pointed out that Menoufia governorate is one of the potential governorates, with its talent young people who can land jobs in ICT fields in the global labor market. It is also qualified to host outsourcing service centers for international companies. He highlighted MCIT keenness to establish outsourcing service centers not only in Cairo, but in all the governorates which have young calibers specialized in ICT fields.

Talaat added that within the framework of MCIT projects in Decent Life villages in the governorate, fiber optic cables have been installed in 45 villages out of a total of 81 in Decent Life villages in Menoufia Governorate. In addition, 47 new cell sites have been established out of the targeted 85 cell sites. This in addition to raising the efficiency of 28 cell sites to improve communication services provided to citizens.

Talaat indicated that Creativa Innovation Hubs aim to stimulate creative thinking and support technological innovation and startups. He pointed out that the goal of establishing Creativa Innovation Hub at Menoufia University is to promote communication and networking between students, graduates, and university professors. He pointed out that the programs offered within Creativa Innovation Hubs are not limited to graduates specialized in ICTs, but also target young people from various disciplines and academic backgrounds.

During the visit, Talaat met with a group of youth from Menoufia Governorate, who are beneficiaries of the training programs and entrepreneurship support programs provided by MCIT. A number of distinguished graduates of those programs, implemented within Creativa Innovation Hub in Menoufi, presented their successful experiences.

The Chairwomen of Information Technology Institute (ITI) Heba Saleh referred to ITI activities in Menoufia’s Creativa Innovation Hub and the training programs it provides to the citizens of the governorate. These programs included workshops and specialized programs in several areas, most notably Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, the Internet of Things (IoT), and embedded systems. The number of beneficiaries of ITI activities in Menoufia governorate reached approx. 10,500 young people.

The Director of National Telecommunication Institute (NTI) Ahmed Khattab highlighted the most prominent training programs offered by NTI for youth from Menoufia governorate in a number of technological specializations, the most prominent of which are the establishment, operation and maintenance of fiber networks; AI; cybersecurity; and website design. The number of beneficiaries of NTI activities in Menoufia governorate reached more than 700 young people.

On his part, the Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) VP Hossam Osman reviewed ITIDA efforts and programs to motivate the youth of Menoufia Governorate to innovate; promote entrepreneurship; support freelancers; organize capacity-building camps; and empower entrepreneurs. The total number of beneficiaries of ITIDA programs at Creativa Innovation Hub in Menoufia reached more than 7,800 young people.

ICT Minister and Menoufia Governor visited the laboratories of Menoufia’s Creativa Innovation Hub, through which youth are empowered in the technological fields, thus contributing to creating an enabling environment for digital innovation and entrepreneurship.

It is noteworthy that Talaat is visiting the governorate of Menoufia, where he opened two post offices after being developed to provide all financial, postal and Digital Egypt services to citizens. He also inspected the optical fiber cables laid to provide high-speed Internet in the village of “Shama” within Decent Life villages. The agenda of the ICT Minister’s visit to the governorate is set to include signing two memorandums of understanding between MCIT and the governorate, opening a post office, and visiting Telecom Egypt’s customer service center in Shebin El-Kom.


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‎وزارة الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات-مصر‎
