COP27 live from the GreenZone | Towards a Global Comprehensive Reporting System
COP27ClimateFinance Day side events come to a close with an important session that assesses the various global compliance and reporting systems, their challenges and innovations, and the need to establish a comprehensive reporting system for corporations to adopt as a guideline in monitoring their carbon footprints and green investments.
Speaker: Dr. Ehab Shalaby, Chairman & CEO DCarbon
Organized by: DCarbon
TogetherForImplementation JustAndAmbitious ClimateFinance JustFinance GreenFinance
نختتم جلسات اليوم بنقاش هام حول أنظمة الإبلاغ وتتبع نسب انبعاثات الكربون حول العالم، والحاجة إلى إنشاء نظام عالمي شامل للشركات، لاعتماده في مراقبة نسب انبعاثات الكربون والتشجيع على الاستثمارات الخضراء.
DCarbon Egypt