Today’s youth are particularly concerned about the climate crisis as they are already feeling its impacts and will inherit the exacerbated challenges of decades of insufficient action. The large population of African youth are particularly affected by climate change and will require substantial support in coping with the challenges of the future. This COP27AfricaAndGender Day side event showcases the incredible potential of tomorrow’s African leaders.
Speakers: Desmond Alugnoa, Moderator | Shamiela Reid, Senior Project Coordinator – Indalo Exclusive | Joshua Amponsem, Founder – Green Africa Youth Organization | Soomin Han, Climate Finance lead – Youth Climate Lab | Pooja Tilvawa, Youth Engagement Manager – The Climate Initiative.
Organized by: Green Africa Youth Organization
TogetherForImplementation JustAndAmbitious COP27AfricaAndGender
يشعر شباب اليوم بالقلق بشكل خاص بشأن أزمة المناخ، كون آثارها ستنعكس عليهم بشكل كبير. وفي هذا الحدث نستعرض معًا الإمكانيات المذهلة لشباب قارة أفريقيا وقادتها المستقبليين، والتي يجب استغلالها في العمل المناخي.