COP27 live from the GreenZone | Design As A Key of Change As climate change accelerates and blistering heatwaves, floods and famine take over continents at large, designers have realized the

COP27 live from the GreenZone | Design As A Key of Change As climate change accelerates and blistering heatwaves, floods and famine take over continents at large, designers have realized the 27791
COP27 live from the GreenZone | Design As A Key of Change

As climate change accelerates and blistering heatwaves, floods and famine take over continents at large, designers have realized the importance of the role they can play in finding meaning solutions.

Finding creative solutions is fundamental in rethinking and actioning systemic and sustainable transitions and change. However, designers often find themselves excluded from policy making and implementation narratives. Putting an end to that is Netherland-based group, Creative Climate Collective.

This DecarbonizationDay side event shows how tackling the climate crisis through international collaborations and an innovative hands-on mentality, can forge cutting-edge solutions to ongoing climate catastrophes. Designers from around the globe intertwined their geographical disciplines and invited audience members to find inspiration in artistic and architectural ingenuity.

“ I think our existing infrastructures were never built in anticipation of the climate changes we’re living today. Instead of rebuilding everything, we can work with the existing industrial systems and have them adapt to combat the current climate crisis.” Salma Belal, Architect

Speakers: Richard Van Der Laken, Founder, What Design Can Do | Juliàn Restrepo, Founder, Taller Architects | Salma Belal, Architect | Olivier de Gruijter, Co-founder & Design Engineer, JERRY Can Filter | Rianne Makkink, Designer & Founder, Water School | Shaakira Jassat, Creative Director, Studio Sway | Marta Uetela, Founder, BioMec |


مع تزايد آثار التغيرات المناخية والظواهر الجوية المتطرفة، أدرك المصممون أهمية الدور الذي يمكن أن يلعبوه في إيجاد حلول إبداعية للأزمة. ومع ذلك، غالبًا ما يجد المصممون أنفسهم مستبعدين من صنع السياسات والمشاركة في الحلول.

في هذه الجلسة نتعرف على كيفية صياغة حلول متطورة للكوارث المناخية المستمرة، حيث قام المصممون من جميع أنحاء العالم بالتعاون ودعوة الجمهور لإيجاد الإلهام اللازم لحل المشكلة في الإبداع الفني والمعماري.
