COP27 live from the GreenZone | COP27ClimateFinance Day continues with a comprehensive stocktake of G20 country’s climate performance, informed by the Climate Transparency Report 2022

COP27 live from the GreenZone | COP27ClimateFinance Day continues with a comprehensive stocktake of G20 country’s climate performance, informed by the Climate Transparency Report 2022 99567
COP27 live from the GreenZone | COP27ClimateFinance Day continues with a comprehensive stocktake of G20 country’s climate performance, informed by the Climate Transparency Report 2022. The event highlights efforts governments have undertaken in face of the energy crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and climate finance commitments, and examines the steps that are required to improve performance and support developing countries.

Speakers: Gerd Leipold, Climate Transparency | Sebastian Wegner, Berlin Governance Platform | Deborah Ramalope, Climate Analytics | Ipek Gencsu, Overseas Development Institute | Suruchi Bhadwal, The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI)

Organized by: Climate Transparency | Berlin Governance Platform

TogetherForImplementation JustAndAmbitious ClimateFinance JustFinance GreenFinance

استمرارًا لنقاشاتنا في إطار يوم التمويل في قمة تغير المناخ، نجري تقييم شامل للأداء المناخي في دول مجموعة العشرين. بناءً على تقرير الشفافية المناخية لعام 2022. وتسلط الجلسة الضوء على الجهود التي تبذلها الحكومات في مواجهة أزمات الطاقة وجائحة كورونا، والتزاماتها نحو تمويل المناخ لدعم الدول النامية ومستقبل أفضل للعالم أجمع.
