Extreme weather events caused by climate change causes disturbances in healthcare, education, food security, and community stability. Local communities are the best informed of their challenges, but not always sufficiently equipped to manage the impacts of climate change. This COP27AfricaAndGender Day promotes locally led adaptation initiatives to empower decision-making and resilience building through financial and technical support combined with traditional and local knowledge-share to enable community-driven adaptation and innovation.
Speakers: DR. MELANIA CHIPONDA, Climate Justice and Gender Advisor FEMNET | GINO COCCHIARO, Director of Programs and Development – Natural Justice | AZARA NFON DIBIE SANOGO, Regional Advisor in West and Central Africa Oxlam | DR. MITHIKA MWENDA, Executive Director Pan African Climate Justice Alliance | KHADUYU MICHAEL, Project Lead Africa Youth Commission.
Organized by: African Activists for Climate Justice
TogetherForImplementation JustAndAmbitious COP27AfricaAndGender
تتسبب الظواهر الجوية المتطرفة الناتجة عن التغيرات المناخية في اضطرابات بخدمات الرعاية الصحية والتعليم والأمن الغذائي واستقرار المجتمع.
تشجع فعاليات هذا اليوم مبادرات التكيف المحلية وبناء القدرة على الصمود من خلال الدعم المالي والتقني وتبادل المعرفة.