COP27 live from the BlueZone: The Launch of the COP27 Presidency’s African Women Initiative (UNFCCC) Participants: Dr Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, Egypt | Dr Maya Morsi, President

COP27 live from the BlueZone: The Launch of the COP27 Presidency’s African Women Initiative (UNFCCC) Participants: Dr Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, Egypt | Dr Maya Morsi, President 34235
COP27 live from the BlueZone: The Launch of the COP27 Presidency’s African Women Initiative (UNFCCC)

Participants: Dr Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, Egypt | Dr Maya Morsi, President of Egypt’s National Council for Women | Dr Sima Bahous Executive Director of UN-Women | Dr Mahmoud Mohieldin, Executive Director at the International Monetary Fund

COP27 announces the launch of CAP, African Women’s Climate Adaptive Priorities in partnership with UNWOMEN. The partnered initiative addresses systematic inequalities and enables women’s engagement in the transition to a climate-safe future. The initiative brings capacity building, access to climate finance, STEM education and skills, and participation in policy planning, knowledge sharing, and implementation of adaptive agriculture, water management, and renewable enery.

CAP centers gender-sensitive climate responses throughout Africa, ensuring that the critical voices of those who safeguard our communities are systematically incorporated in policy and practice.

“Women remain the main engine in tackling the front lines of climate change,” said Dr Yasmine Fouad. “They are the ones to implement the green solutions for the communities. They are the ones who advocate for the ultimate goal of fulfilling a sustainable future for us. It is vital we have the full participation and representation the decision, scientific research and policy making in the green economy.”

النساء في إفريقيا ضمن أكثر الفئات تأثرًا بالتغيرات المناخية، على الرغم من دورهن الرئيسي في حماية الأسر والمجتمعات من آثار تلك التغيرات وتحقيق الأمن الغذائي.

اليوم، وخلال فاعليات قمة تغير المناخ COP27، يسرنا أن نطلق مبادرة CAP أو أولويات المرأة الأفريقية للتكيف مع المناخ، بالشراكة مع UNWOMEN، لمعالجة أوجه عدم المساواة وتمكين المرأة من المشاركة الفعلية في صنع مستقبل أفضل.
