COP27 live from the BlueZone: COP27 Gender Day closes with a ceremony hosted by HE Dr

COP27 live from the BlueZone: COP27 Gender Day closes with a ceremony hosted by HE Dr 73808
COP27 live from the BlueZone: COP27 Gender Day closes with a ceremony hosted by HE Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Egypt’s Minister of Environment and Dr. Maya Morsy, the President of Egypt’s National Council for Women.

The women leaders invited student Nevine Ghazi on stage to share her perspective on climate change. Ms. Ghazi advocated for climate education saying, “I learned about the SDGs and The Paris Agreement in university. I instantly became aware of climate change and our needs. More importantly, I was able to apply my knowledge and continue to learn. Yet millions of others my age still haven’t gotten the opportunity to even think about climate change. We need to give young people the privilege of having climate change as part of their vocabulary.”

Dr. Maya Morsy followed Ms. Ghazi’s speech by remarking on the power of young women to champion climate action before calling for more gender-sensitive climate policies and financing.

HE Dr Yasmine Fouad shared these sentiments in her closing remarks, urging for urgent action in climate financing. Speaking on the pillars of the African Women’s CAP initiative launched this morning, Dr. Fouad noted that we can develop policies to target energy, food, water, and employment, but that without adequate climate financing we will never move forward. “The young generation can do a lot,” she said. “But if we don’t change the framework of climate finance to fit with the needs for gender-sensitive climate response then we will do no good. In order to accelerate we need to depend on women.”

اختتمنا فعاليات يوم تمكين الأصوات الأفريقية والنسائية بقمة تغير المناخ، بحفل استضافته الدكتورة ياسمين فؤاد، وزيرة البيئة، الدكتورة مايا مرسي، رئيس المجلس القومي للمرأة.

وخلال الحفل، أتيحت للطالبة نيفين غازي، فرصة الصعود إلى المنصة ومشاركة وجهة نظرها حول تغير المناخ، كواحدة من الأصوات النسائية الشابة المشاركة في فعاليات اليوم بالقمةوالتي طالبت بتثقيف الشباب ومنحهم الفرصة

ومن جانبها، ألقت الدكتورة ياسمين فؤاد كلمة، شددت خلالها على أهمية اتخاذ إجراءات عاجلة في مجال تمويل المناخ.

وذكرت وزيرة البيئة أهمية مبادرة CAP التي أطلقتها القمة اليوم، بهدف تمكين النساء في أفريقيا، مشيرة إلى أهمية التمويل المناسب لتحقيق ذلك.
