وزير التعليم العالي يلتقي بممثل منظمة الأغذية والزراعة بالأمم المتحدة “الفاو” التقى الدكتور أيمن عاشور وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي، بالدكتور نصر الدين حاج الأمين ممثل منظمة الأغذية والزراعة بالأمم المتحدة “الفاو” بمصر، لبحث آليات تعزيز التعاون بين الجانبين. أكد د. أيمن عاشور على عُمق العلاقات . More Minister of Higher Education Meets with Food and Agriculture Organization Representative of United Nations “Fao” Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, met with Dr. Nasruddin Haj Al-Amin, Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Al-Fao in Egypt, to research mechanisms to enhance cooperation between the two sides. D confirmed Ayman Ashour is on the depth of the relationships that links Egypt and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization “Fao” in various fields, especially in the fields related to agriculture and modern food systems. The Minister pointed out the importance of strengthening the role of universities in conducting scientific and applied research in the fields of agriculture and food, paying attention to the provision of modern academic programs in line with the requirements of modern and future labor market, certainly that this role will work towards achieving the sustainable development goals of the Egyptian state (Vision Egypt 2030). The meeting held the research on the implementation of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and the FAO Organization, to promote and support the directions of cooperation between the two sides, to introduce training programs to build students’ capacities and skills, as well as to discuss the executive steps and procedures for the implementation of the Memorandum Of Understanding. The meeting also activated the role of simulating models of FAO organization in Egyptian universities, presenting the organization’s goals, benefits, output and activities, and the models aim to build the capacity of young people, enhance their participation, leadership, enable them to gain new experiences and knowledge, equip them with skills, promote rural economies, food security, invest in education and create a network of volunteers to support Developing work, proposing new ideas for innovative projects. The meeting emphasized that the FAO organization will provide financial and technical support to the activities and programs of simulating the organization, until the model can provide the required financial resources for itself, that universities will provide training halls, organize workshops and provide all support to sustain the work of these models, in order to qualify young graduates who are eligible for the labor market Agri, agri entrepreneurs are able to improve their living standards. And on his side, confirmed the Dr. Nasr El-Din to welcome the FAO organization in cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Egyptian universities and research centers in areas of shared interest, especially innovation, entrepreneurship, scientific research and facing the challenges of climate change. Attended the meeting by FAO organization, Dr. Mohamed Yaqoub Assistant Representative of the organization in Egypt, wd. Ahmed Diab, professor at New Valley University, taeko manager, entrepreneurship club, and rural community expert in the organization, and. Dalia Aboual Fatouh is an expert on rural development, youth communication and economy at the FAO Regional Office for the SE and North Africa Region, and. Muhammad Musa Communications Expert FAO Regional Office for the Eastern Region and North Africa, and. Rawaya Al-Dabi, communications expert at Al-Faw office in Egypt, attended by the Ministry of Higher Education, Dr. Abdul Aziz Abdulrazaq President of New Valley University, WD. Mostafa Rifaat Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities, wd. Ayman Farid Abu Hadid, Chairman of the Agriculture Sector Committee at the Supreme Council of Universities, Wd. Fathi Farouk, Chairman of the Veterinary Sector Committee in the Supreme Council of Universities. Media center
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific ResearchTranslated from Arabic