وزير الإسكان يلتقى نائب رئيس شركة سينوشور الصينية لتأمين الصادرات والائتمان لبحث سبل التعاون المشترك

وزير الإسكان يلتقى نائب رئيس شركة سينوشور الصينية لتأمين الصادرات والائتمان لبحث سبل التعاون المشترك 93156
وزير الإسكان يلتقى نائب رئيس شركة “سينوشور” الصينية لتأمين الصادرات والائتمان لبحث سبل التعاون المشترك بين الجانبين الجزار: نعمل حالياً في تنمية ما يزيد على 14 % من المعمور المصرى وهى ضعف المساحة التى كنا نعيش عليها نائب رئيس شركة “سينوشور” الصينية: نضع مصر فى أهم اعتباراتنا وندعم الكثير من . More Housing minister meets vice president of China’s Sinoshor Export Insurance and Credit to discuss ways of mutual cooperation Al-Jazar: We are currently working on developing more than 14% of the Egyptian population And it is twice the space we used to live on Vice President of Chinese Sinoshor Company: We put Egypt in our most important considerations. We support many Chinese companies to implement projects in Egypt Dr. Asim Al-Jazzar, Minister of Housing, Facilities and Civil Societies, held a meeting at the Ministry of Housing headquarters in the new administrative capital, with Mr. Cha Wei Min, vice chairman of China Sinosure Export and Credit Insurance Company (Sinosure), and his accompanying delegation, to explore ways of mutual cooperation between the two sides, in the presence of the ministry officials, and the new Civil Communities Authority. During the meeting, the Minister reviewed, the efforts of the Egyptian state represented in the New Civil Communities Body, to create new cities, in order to achieve the first goal of the National Strategic Plan for Urban Development, which is to double the Egyptian population, which is currently being achieved on the ground, since we live on only 7% of Egypt’s land, We are currently developing 14.25% of Egypt, which means more than double the area of the population we used to live on. Dr. Asim Al-Jazar pointed out that 80% of the area added to the Egyptian colony are new civil societies, developed by the New Civil Communities Authority, since 2014 we started to create 14 new civil communities, besides the development of extensions of 27 new existing civil communities, budgeted by the Civil Communities Authority The new for the 2023/2024 financial year, more than 145 billion pounds. The Minister of Housing, in his speech, addresses the projects implemented by the New Civil Communities Authority, in the New Administrative Capital, and at the heart of it, the Central Business Project, implemented by the Chinese company “CSC”, a major contracting companies worldwide, a project being implemented for the first time in Egypt, which includes 20 towers of various uses, including a tower The iconic, Africa’s tallest tower, at almost 400 metres, plus residential neighborhoods, and the Capital Park Central Gardens project. The new projects of Alameen City, which include the beach towers area, carried out by Egyptian contracting companies, alongside the Chinese Downtown Towers project, similar to the towers of the Central Business Zone in the new administrative capital, and self-financing by the New Civil Communities Authority, the project includes the creation of 5 towers Fully finished and serviced residential, the towers overlooking an industrial lake, the iconic tower with a height of 250 meters (68 dora) with a total area of 465 thousand m2, to be implemented within 45 months, and 4 towers with a height of 200 meters per tower (56 dora) with the total area of 320 thousand m2, scheduled to be completed within 39 One month. The Minister of Housing continued, recently, about the role of the New Civil Communities Commission, in providing land to real estate developers, and ordinary people, where the total value of land sales in dollars, to Egyptians and foreigners over the past two years, was 1.2 billion dollars, 25% of the value was collected, and the rest is collected in 4 years, in addition to the board’s participation of senior developers Realtors in implementing urban development projects, and the authority gets a partial share of those projects as they share the land. On his part, Mr. Chai Wei Men, Vice President of China Sinoshor Export and Credit Insurance Company, expressed his pride and pleasure, during his second visit to Egypt, with what has been accomplished in the new administrative capital, his first visit to Egypt in 2019 when the central business zone project was in the concrete structures phase, and currently the project In the finishing stages. Today, I sit with you at the new headquarters of the Ministry of Housing in the new administrative capital, a remarkable development in record time, confirming that the Central Business Zone project, in the new Administrative Capital, is one of the most important projects in which Sinoshor cooperates with cscec. Mr. Cha Wei Men added, that Sinoshor company puts Egypt in its most important considerations, and supports many Chinese companies to implement projects in Egypt, confirming that the company urges Chinese companies to enter the Egyptian market, and implement different projects in it. Concluding the meeting, Dr. Asim Al-Jazzar, Minister of Housing, Facilities and Civil Societies, Vice President of China’s Sinochor Export and Credit Insurance Company, called for the company to open its headquarters in the central business zone, to be the company’s headquarters to manage its operations in Africa. The minister and vice president of the company exchanged souvenirs.Translated from Arabic