وتمثل مقطعاً في عدة كلمات مثل اسم سمك البلطي نفسه “إينت”، وفي كلمة “إينب” التي تعني “جدار” وكلمة “إينت” بمعني “وادي”.
ومنها جاء عيد الوادي “حب-إينت” أكبر أعياد الموتى في طيبة في الدولة الحديثة، حيث يخرج المعبود آمون من الكرنك يزور البر الغربي ويمر على المعابد الجنائزية.
٢٠٠ عام علم مصريات
The fish sign is one of the distinctive signs appearing in many forms, including this one known as Tilapia.
It is pronounced “ien” and was included in many words, including “ienet” (the species of Tilapia) and “ienb” which means “wall”, and “ient” meaning “valley” from which came the name for the Festival of the Valley “heb-ienet”.
The festival was a celebration of the dead in Thebes during the New Kingdom. During the celebration, the barque of the god Amun would travel from Karnak to the West Bank of Luxor to visit the funerary temples of the kings.