رئيس الوزراء يتابع مع وزير الصحة الموقف التنفيذى لعدد من المشروعات عقد الدكتور مصطفى مدبولي، رئيس مجلس الوزراء، اجتماعاً، اليوم؛ مع الدكتور خالد عبد الغفار، وزير الصحة والسكان، لمتابعة الموقف التنفيذي لعدد من المشروعات التابعة للوزارة. وأشار رئيس الوزراء فى مستهل الاجتماع، إلى اهتمام الدولة . More The Prime Minister follows up with the Minister of Health the executive position of a number of projects Dr. Mustafa Madbouli, Prime Minister, held a meeting, today; with Dr. Khaled Abdul Ghaffar, Minister of Health and Population, to follow up on the executive position of a number of the ministry’s projects. At the beginning of the meeting, the Prime Minister pointed out the interest of the State in the health profile and the efforts to implement many national projects in this important sector, which contribute to improving the level of services provided through it. During the meeting, Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar reviewed the executive procedures for establishing the new National Heart Institute in Al-Shorouk City, stating that its career program has been completed, and the design proposal is being prepared through one of the specialized consulting offices. The Minister of Health explained that, by establishing the new National Cardiovascular Institute, our goal is to establish a medical permit with global specifications, which includes new specialties in the field of cardiovascular, and contribute to increasing absorption energy to keep up with the rampant increase in cardiovascular diseases, adding that the new institute will include the establishment of a large training center in cardiovascular and cardiovascular, Besides working on accreditation of the Institute as a research center with global specifications, the Institute will also play a major role in activating the movement of therapeutic tourism. During the meeting, the health minister moved on to talk about the proposal to establish the Medical City for mental health, addiction treatment and elderly medicine, noting that the proposal includes the city on 50 acres, totaling more than 900 beds. The Minister of Health and Population reviewed the executive position of the Nile Medical City project “Development of the city of Nasser Medical Institute”, stating that the development works are aimed at completing the increased absorption capacity of the Nasser Institute, and contributing to providing more medical services provided to citizens in various disciplines. During the meeting, the minister addressed the proposed project for the Egyptian National Radiation Network, examining the proposed interior design styles, noting that the preparation of the project’s artwork shows had been completed. Dr. Khaled Abdelghaffar takes the executive position of the proposed project for the Central Administration of New Industries, stating that it consists of 6 buildings with an area of approximately 34 thousand m2. During the meeting, the Minister outlined several proposals for the project of setting up an economic model for a 200-bed hospital, noting that the hospital’s functional programme includes a number of departments including intensive care, the department of ventilators, processing, radiation, dialysis, blood bank, operations, clinics, etc related to other services in the hospital. The minister also reviewed proposals for the project to set up an economic model for an 80-bed hospital, and what a functional program it will include, as well as an executive position to develop Heliopolis Hospital and the Coptic Hospital. رئاسة مجلس الوزراء Translated from Arabic
رئيس الوزراء يتابع مع وزير الصحة الموقف التنفيذى لعدد من المشروعات عقد الدكتور مصطفى مدبولي، رئيس