يُعد مشروع استكشاف الأهرامات “ScanPyramids”، مشروعًا بحثيًا استُخدمت فيه التكنولوجيا العلمية المُتطورة بالتعاون بين أكبر الجامعات الدولية، مع مجموعة من الخبراء المصريين من الجامعات المصرية.
During an international press conference, in front of the Great Pyramid of King Khufu, the minister announced the results of the “ScanPyramids” exploration project: a corridor was discovered on the northern face of the Great Pyramid, with a length of 9 meters and a width of 2.10 meters.
“ScanPyramids” is a cooperation research project, in which advanced scientific technology is used, between the largest international universities, with a group of Egyptian experts from Egyptian universities.
ScanPyramids Giza Pyramids GizaPyramids Discovery Khufu AncientEgypt