15 أبريل 2023 – وزير السياحة والآثار يقوم بجولة تفقدية بالمتحف المصري الكبير للوقوف على مستجدات

15 أبريل 2023 - وزير السياحة والآثار يقوم بجولة تفقدية بالمتحف المصري الكبير للوقوف على مستجدات 35552
15 أبريل 2023 – وزير السياحة والآثار يقوم بجولة تفقدية بالمتحف المصري الكبير للوقوف على مستجدات الأعمال به استمراراً للجولات والزيارات الدورية لمتابعة مستجدات الأعمال بالمتحف المصري الكبير، قام، اليوم، السيد أحمد عيسى وزير السياحة والآثار، بجولة تفقدية بالمتحف، وذلك للوقوف على الموقف . More Press release April 15, 2023 – The Minister of Tourism and Archeology makes a tour of the Grand Egyptian Museum to check on the updates of his works Continuing the tours and patrolling visits to follow up the updates of the works at the Grand Egyptian Museum, today, Mr. Ahmed Isa, the Minister of Tourism and Archeology, has taken a tour of the museum, in order to present the executive position of the latest work updates there. During the tour, the minister was accompanied by Major General Atef Miftah Al-Supervisor on the project of the Grand Egyptian Museum and the surrounding area, Mr. Ahmed Obaid, Assistant Minister for Affairs of the Minister’s Office Sector, Dr. Tayyib Abbas, Assistant Minister for Archeology at the Museum, Dr. Hussein Kamal, General Director of Restoration at the Museum, and Dr. Isa Zidan, General Director of Executive Affairs For the restoration and transfer of the artifacts in the museum, Mrs. Yamna Ismail, Assistant to the Minister to follow up the works of the museum, and Mrs. Merit Al-Sayd, Executive Director of Legacy Development and Management Company, a company of Hassan Allam Holder Group and operating services in the Grand Egyptian Museum Complex. The tour has included the area of Masala Square and the Grand Lobby area where the statue of King Ramses II is displayed at the entrance of the lobby. During the tour, journalists from various news agencies, newspapers and news sites were informed about some updates of business development in the area, as well as a review of the design of the area, which came as an explanation of what has been circulated on some social media sites over the last few days about some rain falling on the King’s statue Ramses II inside the great lobby of the museum. They have been briefed with the details of the architectural and geometric design of the museum’s open lobby, citing drainage networks in the area dedicated to such rains that drain water first, ensuring that the museum is completely safe and sound. Some questions were also answered from them in this frame, including about the location of the statue of King Ramses in the lobby area, which was indicated that it was set in the original design of the museum and is placed under an umbrella in the area between the museum and the commercial building, which is a shade and its roof is covered with panels Made of compressed aluminum which causes a slight fracture of sunlight and allows air movement inside the lobby depending on ventilation and natural lighting and provides energy consumption and also reduces the temperature in the summer season, rainfall has also been observed to make paths to collect in a water tank and reuse in irrigation. It was also noted that the statue of Ramses, like other huge granite statues designed to be displayed in open spaces, and is unaffected by rainwater. During the tour, the Minister pointed out that the tourism experience that the Grand Egyptian Museum will offer, whether on the tourist, cultural, archaeological or educational level, will be a unique experience and is an important model that the museum offers to compete with all the international museums. The minister explained that the semi-covered Great Bahou area is important for the visitor as his transition between his entry and exit from the museum mediate, a sign to this area was received by the operator in charge of providing and operating services at the museum. It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Tourism and Archaeology had clarified a few days ago what was published about the video of some rain falling on the statue of King Ramses II inside the great lobby of the Grand Egyptian Museum, confirming that the rumour about the danger of such rains is incorrect, and that the statue of Ramses II was not and will not be affected With the rainwater, the museum and all its empties are in the best condition of preservation, the design and execution of the museum has been scientifically, methodically meticulous and well thought out, which contributes to providing a unique and suitable experience for visitors whether in winter or summer.


Ministry of Tourism and MonumentsTranslated from Arabic