وزارة القوى العاملة: وزير القوى العاملة يلتقي رئيس جهاز تنمية المشروعات المتوسطة والصغيرة – تفعيل التعاون في برنامج “التدريب المهني من اجل التشغيل” دراسة مُقترح بإرسال عِمالة مصرية مُدربة للعمل في مشروعات بالخارج التقى وزير القوى العاملة حسن شحاتة صباح اليوم الخميس بديوان عام ” . More A statement issued by the Ministry of Manpower: The Minister of Manpower meets the head of the Medium and Small Business Development Authority – Activate cooperation in the program “Vocational Training for Operation” A proposed study to send trained Egyptian worker to work in projects abroad The Minister of Manpower Hassan Shahata met on Thursday morning at the General Assembly of the Ministry, a delegation from the Development of Medium, Small and Terminary Projects headed by Basil Rahmi, the Executive President of the device, and emphasized the importance of intensifying joint work, and activating cooperation between the “Ministry” and the “Agency” to qualify young people from graduates of fixed and mobile vocational training centers spread throughout the Republic, especially Within the scope of the presidential initiative “Generous Life”, to establish medium-sized and small-end-sized projects, to train and upgrade employment skills to operate in those “projects”, as well as to cooperate in the framework of the “Training for Operations” program. According to a press release about the Ministry today, Minister Shahata welcomed all ideas proposed to activate cooperation in shared files, and directed the departments specialized in the ministry to study the idea of cooperation with the “Machine” on the transportation of Egyptian workers trained to work on national and private projects abroad, starting with a number of foreign countries, and provide an urgent picture of social partners in This file from specialized entities and companies, communicates with companies wishing to take up Egyptian employment, and with workers wishing to work abroad, train and qualify them for the professions needed by the targeted projects, and also to play a role in managing the labor relationship to protect the rights of the worker, and to ensure the employer’s right to receive qualified employment, and to be able to perform costly tasks In it. The meeting was attended by the “Projects Device: Basil Rahmi, the head of the Device, Walid Darwish, the Head of the Central Sector for Human Community Development, and Aliya Al-Sharif, the General Coordinator of Strategic Partnerships and Foreign Relations From the Ministry of Manpower: Ehab Abdul Ati, Legal Advisor to the Ministry, Manal Abdul Aziz, Head of the Central Department for Affairs of the Minister’s Office, Ayman Qatamesh Head of the Central Administration for Vocational Training, and Mohib Abu Zaid, Director General of General Administration for Affairs of Employment Enforcement Companies.Translated from Arabic
وزارة القوى العاملة: وزير القوى العاملة يلتقي رئيس جهاز تنمية المشروعات المتوسطة والصغيرة