وزارة الإسكان والمرافق والمجتمعات العمرانية: وزير الإسكان يُصدر قرارين بحركة تكليفات بهيئة المجتمعات العمرانية الجديدة وعدد من أجهزة المدن الجديدة أصدر الدكتور عاصم الجزار، وزير الإسكان والمرافق والمجتمعات العمرانية، قرارين بحركة تكليفات بهيئة المجتمعات العمرانية الجديدة، وعدد من أجهزة . More A statement issued by the Ministry of Housing, Facilities and Civil Communities: The Minister of Housing issues two resolutions on the movement of assignments for the new civil societies body and a number of new cities devices Dr. Asim Al-Jazar, Minister of Housing, Facilities and Civil Communities, issued two resolutions on the movement of assignments for the new urban communities body, and a number of new city devices. According to the decision of the Minister of Housing, Eng. Ahmed Omran Ahmed Omran, Head of the Development Authority of the Tenth City of Ramadan, takes over the works of Assistant Deputy Chairman of the New Urban Communities Commission for the Development and Development of Cities, for the affairs of cities machinery (New Rashid – West Carrefour Region – Burj El-Arab “First, Second, Third Sector of the Coast Northwestern” – Tourist Villages – New Alameen) According to another decision, Eng. Alaa Mohamed Ibrahim Moneh, Head of the New Damietta City Development Authority and Supervisor of the New Mansoura City Development System, takes over as the head of the 10th of Ramadan City Development System, and Eng. Mohamed Khalafallah Abdelmajid, Head of the 5 May City Development System, worked as head of the Development System of New Damietta city, and Eng. Mustafa Saeed Ahmed Ali, Head of the New Qena Development System and Supervisor of West Qena City, Working as Head of the Mayo City Development System, Eng. Ayman Rashad Abdelhamid, Deputy Head of the new Qena City Development System, Working as Head Of the New Qena City Development Agency and Supervisor of the West Qena City Development Authority, Eng. Mustafa Harb Masah Khadiwi, Head of the New Sohaj City Development Authority and Supervisor of the New Akhmim City Development System, Acting as Head of the New Akhim City Development System, Engr. Muhammad Abdullah Youssef Mahfouz, Deputy Head of the New City Development System of October Garden City Development System, Worked as Head of the new Sohaj Town Development System.Translated from Arabic
وزارة الإسكان والمرافق والمجتمعات العمرانية: وزير الإسكان يُصدر قرارين بحركة تكليفات بهيئة