الهيئة العامة للرعاية الصحية: اتساقا مع خطة وزارة الصحة والسكان هيئة الرعاية الصحية تعلن عن خطتها للتأمين الطبي لاحتفالات عيد القيامة المجيد وعيد الفطر بمحافظات تطبيق منظومة التأمين الصحي الشامل هيئة الرعاية الصحية: رفع درجة الاستعداد القصوى بكافة المنشآت الصحية التابعة للهيئة . More A statement issued by the General Authority for Health Care: In accordance with the plan of the Ministry of Health and Population The Health Care Authority announces its plan for medical insurance for Easter and Eid Al-Fitr celebrations in the provinces of applying the comprehensive health insurance system Health Care Authority: Raising the maximum readiness level in all health facilities of the body and ensuring the availability of sufficient stock of medicines, serums and baits Health Care Authority: Continuation of the initiative “Ramadan with health for all the family” and distribution of chronic diseases medicines during the holiday celebrations The Health Care Authority directs medical advice and guidelines in conjunction with the celebration of Easter ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The General Authority for Health Care has announced its plan for medical insurance during the Easter, Easter and Eid al-Fitr celebrations, this comes within the framework of the Authority’s desire to provide all medical and therapeutic services to beneficiaries, in accordance with the plan of the Ministry of Health and Population to insure the medical service to citizens during the holiday celebration period. The Health Care Authority’s statement clarified that the maximum readiness level has been lifted in all its general and specialized hospitals, as well as family medicine units and centers, in the provinces of the implementation of the comprehensive health insurance system (Port Said, Luxor, Ismailia, South Sinai). Following the statement of the authority, the vacations have been reduced and the schedules of doctors and nurses have been organized in all departments, especially the reception and emergency departments, with the formation of teams for rapid dissemination, increase the number of nubotics, and the provision of all medicines, medical supplies, tests, and blood bags to all species and derivatives, to face any emergencies. The availability of family occupancy in hospitals, either in internal or intensive care units, as well as the respiratory occupancy ratio, was monitored, in preparation for any emergency alerts, and the availability of all serums, serums, and the sources of power, water, electricity and fuel needed for operation, ensuring the efficiency of all medical and non-medical devices In the facilities. The Authority pointed out the formation of a central emergency room headed by the Authority, and emergency rooms in all its branches in the governorates of comprehensive health insurance for round-the-clock follow-up, a sign of full and ongoing coordination with the operation room of the Ministry of Health and Population and the Egyptian Ambulance Board around the clock, emphasizing the management of all integrated reporting and emergency care using Integration system of health services reinforced with the National Public Safety Network, through the use of the automatic call system through the Unified National Network for Emergency and Public Safety, which ensures the momentary linkage between the Egyptian Health Care Authority and the ambulance Authority, ensuring the access of the infected to the nearest hospitals and in the shortest time possible while following up all jobs Vitality of the Injured Inside Ambulance According to World Rates. As the authority confirmed in its plan for medical insurance, the continuation of the <<Ramadan Health for All Family>> initiative for free home medical care for chronic patients, and the continuation of distribution of medicines to chronic diseases from the beneficiaries of the comprehensive health insurance system, in all units and family medicine centers of the authority in the governorates, and the kidney washing units in hospitals to continue providing their services. Medical and Reception, during festive period The authority’s statement, to form teams for rapid dissemination and traffic on facilities, is a sign to intensify traffic on all health care facilities, to follow discipline in work whether to produce schedules of medical teams and workers or to adhere to operation lists, throughout the hour and throughout the holiday celebrations. In the same context, the Health Care Authority has directed medical and protective advice and guidelines in conjunction with the celebration of Easter, through its official social media platforms, as part of the medical insurance plan applied by the authority, to ensure the safety and food safety, to protect citizens from harmful food practices, and in the context of taking care of the public health of citizens.Translated from Arabic
الهيئة العامة للرعاية الصحية: اتساقا مع خطة وزارة الصحة والسكان