بروتوكول تعاون بين المنطقة الاقتصادية لقناة السويس ووزارة البيئة لدعم الصناعة الخضراء وليد جمال الدين:

بروتوكول تعاون بين المنطقة الاقتصادية لقناة السويس ووزارة البيئة لدعم الصناعة الخضراء وليد جمال الدين: 36898
بروتوكول تعاون بين المنطقة الاقتصادية لقناة السويس ووزارة البيئة لدعم الصناعة الخضراء وليد جمال الدين: التحكم في التلوث الصناعي يتماشى ويتكامل مع استراتيجية الهيئة للتحول لنظام بيئي فعال شهدت الدكتورة ياسمين فؤاد، وزيرة البيئة، والسيد/ وليد جمال الدين، رئيس الهيئة العامة للمنطقة الاقتصادية لقناة . More Cooperation protocol between the Suez Canal Economic Zone and the Ministry of Environment to support green industry Walid Jamaluddin: Control of industrial pollution is in line with and integrates with the Authority’s strategy for the transition to an effective ecosystem Dr. Yasmin Fouad, Minister of the Environment, and Mr. Walid Jamaluddin, Chairman of the General Board of the Economic Zone of the Suez Canal, witnessed the signing of a protocol of cooperation between the General Authority of the Suez Economic Zone and the Industrial Pollution Control and Sustainable Green Industry Program of the Environmental Affairs Agency, where Dr. Ibrahim Abdel Khaliq, Vice President of the Board For investment and promotion matters, representative of the Board with Dr. Ali Abu Sunnah, representative of the Environment Agency, in order to facilitate the communication between the initiatives and projects of the Environment Agency and companies operating within the Suez Canal economic zone, the program should provide the necessary technical support to determine the standards to be implemented Globally for fuel and water consumption to achieve efficiency and reduce environmental pollution loads. At the beginning of the signing ceremony, Dr. Yasmin Fouad said that this protocol comes among a number of important steps focused on the ministry’s policies, noting that today’s signing is distinctive with the authority as an economic hub that helps in international trade exchange, where the program works to set environmental standards in accordance with the agreements Globalization on export and production processes which mitigate the negative impacts of the production process, supporting industrial developers in the region through technical support to control industrial pollution as we seek to establish a system to reduce carbon emissions. On his part, Mr. Walid Jamaluddin clarified that the Authority seeks to play an influential role in the industrial pollution control file in line with the Authority’s strategy to shift towards green fuel production and supplementary industries which requires support for the green transformation in all manufacturing activities within the scope of the Chanel’s economic zone Suez, we also value the role of EPA and Industrial Pollution Control Program in supporting industrial developers for a sustainable green industry. He expressed his happiness with this signature, which represents the serious steps taken by the economic area towards turning green, creating green industrial communities at global standards, and emphasized the pride of the Commission to be a liaison between the Ministry of Environment and the Pollution Reduction Program and industrial developers to achieve the desired development from various parties In line with the Authority’s strategy which includes the creation of an effective ecosystem within the industrial zones and adjoining ports, a unit within the economic zone will be established in coordination with the Ministry of Environment to facilitate communication with investors and industrial developers. Noting that the Industrial Pollution Control Program (EPAP), aims to fund industrial developers and factory owners to help them make the transition towards industrial pollution reduction, the program includes funding, technical support and training assistance to raise worker awareness and improve the working environment to meet all requirements of this shift effectively, in order to reduce pollution Industrial, rationalizing energy consumption, compliance with environmental conditions. المنطقة الاقتصادية لقناة السويس

موانئنا للجميع تنمية مناطق صناعية توطين الصناعات موانئ بحرية استثمار طاقة وقود اخضر امونيا خضراء تنمية تعاون قمة المناخ اقتصاد مصر تموين السفن Translated from Arabic