التعليم العالي: تنسيق دائم مع الخارجية لمتابعة أوضاع الطلاب المصريين الدارسين بالجامعات السودانية في

التعليم العالي: تنسيق دائم مع الخارجية لمتابعة أوضاع الطلاب المصريين الدارسين بالجامعات السودانية في 29941
التعليم العالي: تنسيق دائم مع الخارجية لمتابعة أوضاع الطلاب المصريين الدارسين بالجامعات السودانية في إطار الأحداث الراهنة التي تشهدها جمهورية السودان الشقيق حاليًا، أكد د. أيمن عاشور وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي أن هناك تنسيق وتواصل دائم مع وزارة الخارجية المصرية للإطمئنان على سلامة الطلاب . More Higher Education: Permanent coordination with the Foreign Ministry to follow up the situation of Egyptian students studying in Sudanese universities In the context of the current events witnessed by the brotherly Republic of Sudan, Dr. confirmed. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, assured that there is constant coordination and communication with the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to ensure the safety of Egyptian students studying in Sudanese universities. This, the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector will send emails to Egyptian students studying in Sudanese universities, to assure their safety. The Egyptian Embassy in Khartoum has confirmed the stability of the situation of Egyptian students, and is in constant contact with our fellow students around the clock until the current situation is over. The Ministry of Higher Education directs our students to contact the Egyptian Embassy in Khartoum, in case they need any support or in case they are exposed to any risks that threaten their safety. It is noteworthy that the Egyptian Embassy in Khartoum had asked Egyptian citizens residing in Sudan to exercise extreme caution, stay away from areas of tension, reduce unnecessary movements and stay home until the situation stabilizes. Media center

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific ResearchTranslated from Arabic