اقتصادية قناة السويس توقع بروتوكول تعاون مع جهاز تنمية التجارة الداخلية وليد جمال الدين: نسعى لتحسين

اقتصادية قناة السويس توقع بروتوكول تعاون مع جهاز تنمية التجارة الداخلية وليد جمال الدين: نسعى لتحسين 74926
اقتصادية قناة السويس توقع بروتوكول تعاون مع جهاز تنمية التجارة الداخلية وليد جمال الدين: نسعى لتحسين جودة الخدمات من خلال الرقمنة ونثمن دعم وتعاون الجهات المعنية شهد السيد وليد جمال الدين، رئيس الهيئة العامة للمنطقة الاقتصادية لقناة السويس، والسيد الدكتور علي مصيلحي، وزير التموين، توقيع بروتوكول . More The Suez Canal Economist signs a protocol of cooperation with the Internal Trade Development Agency Walid Gamaluddin: We strive to improve the quality of services through digitization and value the support and cooperation of the stakeholders Mr. Walid Jamaluddin, Chairman of the General Authority of the Suez Canal Economic Zone, and Mr. Dr. Ali Mseilhi, Minister of Supply, witnessed the signing of a cooperation protocol between the Suez Economic Zone and the Internal Trade Development Machine, of the Ministry of Supply, this morning, in order to exchange data and information related to commercial activities, and to connect the Registry Office within the Authority with a network Central data for the commercial register, to cooperate in the field of promotion of projects and logistics areas, and periodically preparing and disseminating information about commercial institutions and investors, as well as achieving information integration and data exchange between the two systems of the board and the device, signed by Dr. Ibrahim Abdel Khaliq, Vice President of the Economic Zone for Investment and Promotion Affairs, and Dr. Ibrahim Al-Ashmawi, President Internal Trade Development System Board of Directors At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Ali Mseilhi expressed his happiness with the remarkable progress made by the economic area in the past period, indicating the effort and desire to achieve the mentioned development, and he also expressed his happiness in the cooperation with the staff of the Suez Canal Economic Zone because the recent efforts made by the economic zone shows Having a vision and follow-up to improve quality of services, thus upgrading competencies is one of the protocol’s key targets. Mr. Walid Jamaluddin expressed his happiness with the cooperation with the Internal Trade Development Authority, and the full support of the Authority from the Ministry of Supply, especially regarding the projects of storage silos inside the ports of the Suez Canal economic zone in Ain Al-Sukhna and Port Said, and this protocol supports the steps taken by the Authority regarding service The single network in which the authority seeks to digitize investor services and improve the quality of services, so this cooperation, which will allow the existence of a unit for the commercial register within the Suez Canal Economic Zone, enhances the speed of service delivery and improve its quality to investors, and we also value the efforts of all stakeholders to achieve the full digitization process. It is noteworthy that this protocol is aimed at growing trade, driving the wheel of commercial activity and facilitating the sector of traders and investors. The exchange of information and data related to the registration of commercial activities between both the device and the agency aims to connect the Commercial Register Office of the Agency with the Central Data Network of the Commercial Register to enable it to register business activities within the boundaries of the economic zone which achieves the integration of information between the two working systems of the two parties, as the protocol includes, cooperation In the field of promoting projects, logistics areas, attracting investments in this field and exchanging information, leading to knowledge accumulation that ensures improvement of the quality of required services and promotes smooth digital transformation. المنطقة الاقتصادية لقناة السويس

موانئنا للجميع تنمية مناطق صناعية توطين الصناعات موانئ بحرية استثمار طاقة وقود اخضر امونيا خضراء تنمية تعاون قمة المناخ اقتصاد مصر تموين السفن Translated from Arabic